Bent Grooves

Kim Sanders and Friends
“No ‘world fuzak’ here!”
Doug Spencer, ABC Radio National
Kim Sanders leader, composer, bagpipes [Turkish Gaida], bagpipes [Bass], Kaval, ney, mey, flute [Sumantran Saluang], tenor saxophone
Sandy Evans soprano and tenor saxophone
Llew Kiek bağlama
George Doukas bouzouki, bağlama
Carlos Villanueva charango
Blagojce (Bobby) Dimitrievskki clarinet
Steve Elphick bass
Tarlochan (Bobby) Singh tabla
This is a precious record of the world music pioneer Kim Sanders who sadly passed away in 2013. ‘No lounge-room cowboys here’ said Kim with customary humour.
Kim was one of Australia’s finer ‘world’ musicians. On Bent Grooves he and his friends have a lot of fun and their musical embrace is spectacularly wide. But they steer well clear of the shallows. All have ‘paid their dues’.